I enjoy meeting people, talking, listening and understanding what they like and want in a piece I am to build for them.
I work alone in a one man workshop in Fort Langley, British Columbia. I design, build, and finish pieces. each project is individually made as I take the time to achieve the detail and quality needed.
My work is a combination of machine and hand tool woodworking. The gentle sound of a shaving curling up in a hand plane, the crisp chips falling away from a mortise being chopped or the sharp, clean corner of a tenon shaped by a pairing chisel - these are some tasks that make the process of woodworking so fulfilling.
I am the happiest standing at my workbench surrounded by my favourite hand tools.
Just as I have enjoyed building each project, clients enjoy using them. A table I build for you will reward your family each time you sit at it and will bring a lifetime of satisfaction.
If there is something that you see here or have an idea of something you would like made, please contact me.